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Aerial Survey

Asset Inspection

Purpose: Asset aging and deterioration of the same is an ongoing and unavoidable process and the timely inspection of the same becomes all the more important as many of the times, a simple human neglect during the manual inspection process can end up in a huge financial burden and may also risk the human lives if any. Aerial Drone survey can be a savior in this regard where every necessary detail of the asset can be monitored and inspected without the physical labour at site and the details can be processed to precision details and recorded.

Solar Farms Inspection

Purpose: To provide a faster and timely solution to the traditional methods where a lot of time is consumed towards the check of every solar panel and its modules. An aerial survey with thermal imaging can ensure to support the fact if the solar panels are working to its full power and capacity.

  • Helps to identify diode failures. Also helps in identifying faulty areas if any in a single cell which might affect the panel in functioning to its full capacity.
  • Helps to identify any sort of faulty cables issues
  • Helps to detect if there are any coating issues on the panel modules and if it requires any cleaning or in detection of any cracks.
  • Helps to check the mounting and the balance of the system

Inspection of Bridges

Purpose: Human access to all parts of the bridge might be of grave concern due to the relative safety issues and hence this form of survey is a total solution provider to such a concern. A drone access to all parts of the bridge is quite possible and hence even the most remote data of the bridge can be monitored and controlled upon a requirement. Positives of the same are:

  • It involves a closer view of the required spots on the bridges and the repeated imagery taken helps the processing software to create a fine understanding of the requisite.
  • A 2D image map of the asset is generated in the perspective of the image taken which thus ensures the inspector to go through the minute details as required and obtained
  • Continuous and easy monitoring of the bridge performance
  • Ease of access to even the most remote part of the bridge which might need a continuous and periodic inspection thus enabling to extend the life of the bridge and its usage
  • Value of data that is received from the aerial imagery is of unprecedented quality and precise and can be never matched upon which otherwise cannot be done with traditional methods.
  • There is also a 3 dimensional inspection tool which completely generates a twin image of the asset and every single detail can be scrutinized and dealt in detail as required.

Building Inspection

Purpose: Traditional methods by which the building inspections are done involves time consumption and the risk of human life at heights has been a continuous concern and the aerial drone survey technique is the best answer for the same;

  • It involves a closer view of the required spots on the buildings and the repeated imagery taken helps the processing software to create a finer image of the details required.
  • A 2D image map of the building is generated in the perspective of the image taken which thus ensures the inspector to go through the minute details as required and obtained
  • Ease of access to even the most remote part of the building which might need a continuous and periodic inspection thus enabling to extend the life of the building.
  • Any damages on the facades, tile works, cracks, window panes etc can be easily monitored which otherwise would have been a dangerous and laborious process in traditional methods.
  • Geo Referenced images are possible referring to the spot under inspection and referring to the building in context.
  • There is also a 3-dimensional inspection tool with the help of which even the finite images can be looked upon with precision.

OHL/Mobile Tower-Inspection

Purpose: A machine at height is better than a man at height and thus a drone used aerial survey is highly desirous. Traditional methods by which the building inspections are done involves time consumption and the risk of human life at heights has been a continuous concern.

  • Optimal usage and positioning of the equipment is far quicker than a human being used.
  • Data Captured vide aerial survey by a drone is far beyond the limits of human in place and the same can be rechecked several number of times in case of queries.
  • As the images are captured and recorded, same can be relooked for any number of times in order to identify any type of damage caused to the mobile tower by means of structural damage, environmental damage or any other sort of damage caused due to external factors.
  • In case of any repairs required which as may be necessary, identification of tools can be decided with the help of looking at the damage vide a drone inspection and thus a wastage of time and labor can be avoided.
  • Ease of access to the most remote part of the tower or OHL is possible which might need a continuous and periodic inspection thus enabling the desired to work at its optimum.
  • Geo Referenced images are possible referring to the spot under inspection and referring to the tower in context.
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